Our Mission: Empower ALL children with mathematics

We want to ensure that our award winning* program is available to everyone. To make the program affordable for all families we offer scholarships. All people are welcome to apply and special consideration is given for:

  • Low & Middle Income Families
  • Homeschooling Families
  • Families of Active Military or Veterans
  • Young Students & Special Needs
  • STEM Students
  • Student Athletes
  • Student Artists or Musicians

A scholarship can reduce the tuition to as low as $10/month. To apply for a scholarship, please enter your email below:

*We guarantee when using Elephant Learning an average of 30 minutes per week, your student will increase in Elephant Age™ by 1 year or we will provide a full refund.

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Actual Elephant Learning parents and students speak candidly about their experience within Elephant Learning.
See all parent testimonials videos>

Yvonne and Emily

Yvonne talks about her daughter Emily's experience within Elephant Learning.

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Tonya and Zach

Tonya talks about how Zach overcomes mathematics anxiety using Elephant Learning.

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Teacher Review

A teacher's honest assessment of Elephant Learning

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Understanding IS problem Solving

Mathematics as a Language

Federal standards define understanding multiplication as being able to see a problem, in real-life or within a word problem, and identifying multiplication and the numbers to multiply to receive the solution.

A student that has memorized the multiplication tables, but has not mastered the above would find multiplication useless. That is why Elephant Learning focuses on teaching the essential topics of mathematics as a language. When a student understands, memorization speeds access to relevant answers to relevant questions.

A boy with his hands in the air.
Powerful Reporting For parents

Our System is Straightforward

Children use our system 10 minutes per day, 3 days per week. Meanwhile, you may track their progress using our easy to understand reporting system.

We let you know exactly what your student is working on and how you may take learning outside of the system if you wish to be more involved. If you need to dig in further, we allow you to analyze playtime and even try questions as your student without affecting their score.

More great features

Automated Monitoring & Alerts

As our system detects that the student may be struggling, we automatically alert you to coaching conversations you could be having with your student to ensure their progress.

Combined with our library of content on mathematics anxiety and teaching methods, you can confidently become your child's best math coach.

Experiential Learning Via Gamification

We use the latest scientific research in mathematics education to provide students with experiential learning. It is a gamification of mathematics. A proven curriculum that feels like a puzzle game such as "Angry Birds" but geared to teaching the language of mathematics

The end result is your student actually enjoys mathematics and participates in the classroom.

Transparent Reporting

The key to any game is having the right score. Our system has turned complicated standards into the Elephant Age™, a one number metric that let's you know how your student is measuring up.

Combined with subject by subject videos and parental advise on how to take learning outside of our system and you have the most complete and effective reporting tool on the market.

You can even quickly identify which students require one on one attention and which can keep going within the system.

Individualized Lesson Plans

Our system is constantly adapting to your student. As a student answers incorrectly, our system finds the gap in understanding and fills it with the most effective activities. As a student answers correctly, we advance them forward to get them to the next level quickly.  The result is the student is always receiving activities at their level of understading.

The right activity, at the right time, accelerates learning.

Just In Time Teacher Training

We've taken our revolutionary reporting tools and recreated them to give meaningful insights & coaching to classroom teachers right at the students' level. It is like taking a continuing education course in exactly the topics that your student needs at the moment they need it.

We do all of this while also evaluating and building students' conceptual knowledge.

Run by PhD Mathematicians

We were founded by two PhD mathematicians and University professors in mathematics. We created this system for our children and have opened it up to share with your children. This is the complete package of working with students regardless of ability or background. Over 100,000 students have already seen success.

Compatible with All Standards & Curriculums

Because we cover the essential topics as a language, we are compatible with all standards and curriculums including UK, AUS, and Common Core. Unlike Common Core, our system is straightforward and can include you.

Regardless of what your teacher is using, we help the student understand them.

Proven Results

Our results are proven, we have had over 130,000 students come through our system and on average, children that use our system 30 minutes per week gain 1.5 years in Elephant Age over the course of 10 weeks.


Contact support, we are always happy to help point you in the right direction.

What ages does Elephant Learning support?
We have helped students of all ages. We cover from counting through Algebra, which includes Algebra 2 for locations where that exists. If you have a student that is struggling with upper level mathematics, then our system can help because typically that struggle is due to a misconception originating in Algebra or earlier. Roughly, in the United States, the curriculum covers from pre-k through 8th grade.
My child is behind his grade level, can this help him catch up?
Our placement exam was designed to start a few years behind the student by age and then catch up to your student, this helps us determine their initial level of understanding and meet them with activities at their level of understanding. We also do this so that to the student it feels like a puzzle game where it starts easy and then quickly becomes challenging building confidence on the way in. We have helped four year olds learn fractions and we have helped 12-year-olds that are testing at the third-grade level recover in a matter of months.
My child is ahead of his grade level, is this for him?
Our placement exam was designed to start a few years behind the student by age and then catch up to your student. Having said that, we have thousands of students in our system ahead of grade level because we continue to develop the foundational ideas of mathematics as the student continues usage. If you know that your student understands the materials for their age group, please pay attention to the ability to change the default placement exam during the onboarding after sign-up.
Does Elephant Learning work with students that have special needs?
Because we focus on teaching the essential topics of mathematics as a language, we have helped students with all backgrounds including ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and more.
Is this a full curriculum? Can I use Elephant Learning as my primary homeschool curriculum?
Because we focus on teaching the essential topics of mathematics as a language, our curriculum is considered to be supplemental. Having said that, Elephant Learning works wonderfully for homeschooling parents because the goal of our program is to get students to understand the teacher at the level of the classroom.
Do you support common core, UK, NZ, AU, Singapore, or Canadian curriculums or standards?
Because we focus on teaching the essential topics of mathematics as a language, we support and align with all standards and enhance all curriclums. Many parents find this hard to believe, and so some extra explanation is helpful. All standards have a line item for language such as counting to 20. That is because this is a necessary item for all students regardless of your location. This is what we mean when we say we focus on the essential topics and because of that focus, we are compatible and align with all standards. Because we focus on teaching mathematics as a language, we help the student understand the teacher regardless of the curriculum being used and so we enhance every curriculum.
What Devices Are Supported?
We run on Chrome and Safari, and have apps that allow you to login after sign-up on iOS, Android, and Amazon Kindle Fire.
My child has mathematics anxiety, can you help?
Alleviating mathematics anxiety requires a system that can meet the student at their level of understanding. Once the language of mathematics is demystified for your student, their mathematics anxiety dissipates because they believe they can achieve with the evidence of overcoming the current obstacles. Many students come out of our system reporting enjoying mathematics in class, and that is because when the student understands the teacher in the classroom, class becomes about new ways of looking at problems the student is already familiar with. Students that are able to participate in the classroom perform better on all tests.
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* Start today and receive 5-day Free Trial
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Mathematics as A Language From Counting Through Algebra

For Students of All Ages

We cover from counting through Algebra and designed our Algebra curriculum to remediate University students struggling with upper level mathematics. Whether your student is ahead or behind, our adaptive algorithms quickly adapt to their level.

Our system is considered supplemental, but the topics we cover are ESSENTIAL. They are what make the other curriculum items easy to understand. The end result is a student that can understand the teacher within the classroom.

Parent Support

We Teach You How To Teach Mathematics

Mathematics is not everybody's bag. We get it! Almost half of first and second graders already report having mathematics anxiety! Our mission is to empower students with mathematics.

With Elephant Learning you are  completely supported. Our reports and puzzles are straightforward. The reports help you understand what your student is working on and how you may take learning outside of the system.

Included are  what we call Results Counseling: calls with live mathematics coaches that are trained to coach parents and students to overcome mathematics anxiety and achieve success.

We've worked with students with extreme mathematics anxiety to students that LOVE mathematics. Either way, we are your personal coach to success.

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Get Started Now

Enter your email address below to get started.

* Start today and receive 5-day Free Trial

Empower Your Children With Mathematics

Our only mission is to empower children with mathematics. Got a question?  We LOVE mathematics and are happy to help!

We are available online24/7

Use our chat widget in the lower right corner of your screen
See Pricing

Get Started For Guaranteed Results

Your child will learn at least 1 year of mathematics over the course of the next 3 months using our system just 10 minutes/day, 3 days per week or we will provide you a full refund.

How We Provide Results:

The Elephant Age™ is the average age a student outside of our system is doing the same mathematics as your child.  It is calculated using federal and state standards. The Elephant Age provides a one number metric that allows you to understand how your student is doing at a glance.

The Placement Exam

Students older than five years of age start within a placement exam designed to find their initial level of understanding. The placement exam was designed to start behind your student and catch up to them so that they are building confidence immediately. Upon completion, you get a detailed report letting you understand exactly why your student was placed and how their initial Elephant Age was calculated.

Proven Curriculum

Our curriculum was scientifically engineered from proven methods of early age education. Combined with advanced algorithms which keep pace with your student's understanding, Elephant Learning was designed to be less repetitive and more effective in every way by PhD Mathematicians and Scientists.

Our only mission is to empower children with mathematics.

Guaranteed Results

Our results are proven, we have had over 160,000 students come through our system and on average, children that use our system 30 minutes per week gain 1.5 years in Elephant AgeTM over the course of 10 weeks.

Our system is so effective, that if your student uses it 30 minutes a week, they will gain at least 1 year of Elephant Age in 3 months or we will provide your money back.

Parent Testimonials

Elephant Learning has helped over a hundred thousand students and parents are happy to share success.

Just a quick note to let you know how friendly, helpful, and professional your colleague, Ms.Saunders, was to us today. She not only quickly addressed our issue , but also took the extra step to record our concerns so they can be passed on to administration at Elephant Math. Ms. Saunders is an asset to your team.
Dr. Hoefler from email
Just a quick note to let you know how friendly, helpful, and professional your colleague, Ms.Saunders, was to us today. She not only quickly addressed our issue , but also took the extra step to record our concerns so they can be passed on to administration at Elephant Math. Ms. Saunders is an asset to your team.
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Just have to shout out this girl! Since January we have been working on math since January. She has struggled for years with confidence in this area and now it is her favorite subject. She has gone from a 8.7 to 11.5 year old level on Elephant Learning. Her actual age is 11.3 so now she is above what she should know at her age. So proud of this girl! 3 times a week (sometimes more because she wants to) for 15 minutes per day. They recommend 10 but she wanted 15. They say you can learn a year of math in 3 months and we are proof that yes you can! I get no kickbacks or anything. I am not affiliated with Elephant Learning BUT I know it is working for Riley so wanted to share! We were so frustrated and needed something and this was the perfect fit for us. It may be for you too!
Victoria from Facebook
Just have to shout out this girl! Since January we have been working on math since January. She has struggled for years with confidence in this area and now it is her favorite subject. She has gone from a 8.7 to 11.5 year old level on Elephant Learning. Her actual age is 11.3 so now she is above what she should know at her age. So proud of this girl! 3 times a week (sometimes more because she wants to) for 15 minutes per day. They recommend 10 but she wanted 15. They say you can learn a year of math in 3 months and we are proof that yes you can! I get no kickbacks or anything. I am not affiliated with Elephant Learning BUT I know it is working for Riley so wanted to share! We were so frustrated and needed something and this was the perfect fit for us. It may be for you too!
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For anyone wondering, we used this program, and it outperformed its promise! Our experience: Our son struggled with math and as a 12-year- old, tested at a 95-year-old level of understanding. After using elephant math, it filled in difficult gaps, created a language of understanding, and in 6 months of use, he grew 3.5 years in understanding concepts, ending his time of use at a 13-year-old's level. And he has not forgotten what he learned. I would recommend this program to anyone thinking of trying it. All I can say is it worked for us. Also, I do not work for Elephant Math, I have never worked for them, and no one asked me to share my opinion. Just in case anyone wonders. This is a freely offered statement because we had such a good experience!
Tracie from Facebook
For anyone wondering, we used this program, and it outperformed its promise! Our experience: Our son struggled with math and as a 12-year- old, tested at a 95-year-old level of understanding. After using elephant math, it filled in difficult gaps, created a language of understanding, and in 6 months of use, he grew 3.5 years in understanding concepts, ending his time of use at a 13-year-old's level. And he has not forgotten what he learned. I would recommend this program to anyone thinking of trying it. All I can say is it worked for us. Also, I do not work for Elephant Math, I have never worked for them, and no one asked me to share my opinion. Just in case anyone wonders. This is a freely offered statement because we had such a good experience!
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Yudith Iturbide Edralin recommends Elephant Learning. Elephant Learning is a great app. My daughter did not like to do math. She would give me a hard time and would cry most of the time. Since we started this program she now has a fantastic attitude. She is more confident to the point she will say mom I got this. I am truly grateful to Dr. Aditya Ngrath and the staff. When ever I need help or have questions, everyone is quick to respond. I have recommended this app to all my friends and family.
Yudith on Facebook
Yudith Iturbide Edralin recommends Elephant Learning. Elephant Learning is a great app. My daughter did not like to do math. She would give me a hard time and would cry most of the time. Since we started this program she now has a fantastic attitude. She is more confident to the point she will say mom I got this. I am truly grateful to Dr. Aditya Ngrath and the staff. When ever I need help or have questions, everyone is quick to respond. I have recommended this app to all my friends and family.
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Yvonne Lozoya: The support team for this app are great. I didn't budget correctly last month and didn't have money in my account to pay for the subscription. They contacted me, I explained the situation, and they extended my sons profile he could still access the app until my next payday. My son is in kinder and enjoys using the app. I know some people complain about the robotic nature ofthe voices but my son actually loves them and how they call him by name. His confidence is improving because he sees his progress age going up. Starting Elephant Age: 3.6. Current Elephant Age: 7.4.
Yvonne on Facebook
Yvonne Lozoya: The support team for this app are great. I didn't budget correctly last month and didn't have money in my account to pay for the subscription. They contacted me, I explained the situation, and they extended my sons profile he could still access the app until my next payday. My son is in kinder and enjoys using the app. I know some people complain about the robotic nature ofthe voices but my son actually loves them and how they call him by name. His confidence is improving because he sees his progress age going up. Starting Elephant Age: 3.6. Current Elephant Age: 7.4.
Thank you so much Ashley! My children really enjoyed this interactive learning platform and I have recommended your program to some of our friends.
Xuan via Email
Thank you so much Ashley! My children really enjoyed this interactive learning platform and I have recommended your program to some of our friends.
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Wilhelmina Beckman: I have 6 kids, this has helped all of them. After we used the program for 6 months, my son who had an IEP for math had enough confidence to request to be reevaluated. Through his testing he was able to demonstrate that his math understanding and skills have improved so much that he no longer needs any IEP services, and he is even above grade level in some areas!!
Wilhelmina on Facebook
Wilhelmina Beckman: I have 6 kids, this has helped all of them. After we used the program for 6 months, my son who had an IEP for math had enough confidence to request to be reevaluated. Through his testing he was able to demonstrate that his math understanding and skills have improved so much that he no longer needs any IEP services, and he is even above grade level in some areas!!
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Get Started For Guaranteed Results

Your child will learn at least 1 year of mathematics over the course of the next 3 months using our system just 10 minutes/day, 3 days per week or we will provide you a full refund.

Empower Your Children With Mathematics

Our only mission is to empower children with mathematics. Got a question?  We LOVE mathematics and are happy to help!

We are available online24/7

Use our chat widget in the lower right corner of your screen
See Pricing






See Elephant Learning Featured on Local and National News Media
See all  our news appearances >

Research Shows Colorado Math Academy's Program Enables Students to Learn over a Year's Worth of Math in Three Months

Elephant Learning Math Academy has published conclusive research into their gamified online learning platform developed to excel the mathematical capabilities for children and students of all ages.

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New York Living

Two sisters talk about their experience LIVE on NYC's WPIX 11's "New York Living." As school starts to wrap up and summer approaches many parents worry about their kids taking a break from learning, especially in subjects like math, where practice is crucial. Dr. Aditya Nagrath, the founder of Elephant Learning, a dynamic platform that promises to keep young minds active and engaged all summer long, joined Marysol Castro and Alex on New York Living. They discussed what led Dr. Nagrath to create this program, and how it helps both children and parents.

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Parent Testimonial: Andy with daughter Maya and son Taejas

Maya is a 6 year old doing fractions and her 4 year old brother Taejas is not far behind, both competing to have a higher Elephant Age. Both interviewed by, child psychologist and TV personality, Dr. Sheryl Ziegler PhD.

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Take a look inside of our system.

Elephant Learning Walkthrough 2024

A 3 minute walkthrough of the Elephant Learning program and how it can help students learn years of mathematics in just a few months.

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Elephant Learning Walkthrough

Melissa Dunn with Elephant Learning gives a walkthrough of the Elephant Learning system.

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Educational App Store Review & Walkthrough

The Educational App Store Reviewed Elephant Learning and gave a brief walkthrough after rating Elephant Learning 5-stars saying, "this is the future of education."

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See results from parents and students that we have interviewed as a part of our research.
Why Online Subtraction Games Are Best for Kids Like Zachary

Learn why kids need visual games to understand subtraction and other math concepts.

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Yasmeen Found Her Daughter’s Joy in This Math Games App

Zara never wanted to go inside, especially for math homework. But her mom found the perfect game that made math just as fun as playing outside.

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With This Math Games App, Growth Mindset is Possible

How does this math games app uncover a student's positive growth mindset? Read more to find out Julia's journey with Elephant Learning!

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With Scarce Time And Monetary Resources, Chyanne’s Mom Helped Her Daughter Achieve Math Excellence

Within six months of playing on Elephant Learning, Chyanne was hooked. More importantly, she was understanding the language of mathematics and rapidly building her skills. In this short time, Chyanne went from being behind most of her peers in terms of mathematical understanding to surpassing many of them.

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With Katie’s Family, Math Works for School and Business!

Find out Katie’s realization when she brought the magic of Elephant Learning into her household. Hint: it didn’t just help her kids.

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When Math is More Than Just a Losing Game: How Shannon’s Two Kids Won Their Very Own Gold Medal in Math

Learn how Shannon broke the stigma of a win/lose when it comes to math, and showed her kids how they can improve no matter where they start.

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Bella’s Story: How Elephant Learning Can Help Kids with Down Syndrome Learn Math

Learn why visual tools like Elephant Learning are appropriate and effective for teaching math to students with disabilities.

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This Math Homework Help App Can Combat the Remote Learning Blues

Discover the math homework help app that brought Sarah the freedom to relax and her daughter the independence to do math on her own!

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This Learning Academy Helped Makayla’s Growth Mindset Skyrocket

Makayla’s positive attitude got her a great start-- and now, Elephant Learning pushed her to the finish line.

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This Family Is Learning Math and Getting Their Weekends Back

Discover how Jamie's kids started learning math with Elephant Learning, shifted their mindsets, and ended up having their weekends back to do what they love!

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How Mark Overcame His ADHD and ODD to Learn Math at Home

Learn how to effectively teach math in a homeschooling or distance learning environment, even for children with behavioral or learning disabilities.

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How 6 Children Learned an Average of 2 Years of Math in just 7 Weeks

Learn how grandparent and caregiver Debra taught 6 children an average of 2 years of math in just 7 months with Elephant Learning.

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The Super Math Homework App for Every Learning Ability

Discover how Amber found the perfect math app for her daughter, even during their family’s financial turmoil.

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The Math Academy That Defeated Elijah’s Remote Learning Struggles

Here’s how Stephanie found the best resource for her son, even as his teachers were still maneuvering virtual learning.

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Taking the Dread out of Math Lessons for Benjamin, Cassandra, Edmund, Graham, Hadara, and Ivy

The results were everything Melissa imagined and more! In just the first six months of using Elephant Learning, the five children who used the app, all made remarkable progress. They were soon doing math at or near their grade level. Elephant Learning provided the extra help in delivering mathematics that Melissa needed but also delivered on its promise to ensure users would gain at least one year's worth of math in six months. Several of Melissa's children, including Benjamin and Ivy, gained well over two years' worth of math!

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Sherri Cracked the Code to Confidence with Elephant Learning

Sherri’s daughter might not have struggled with math concepts, but she did need more confidence in her abilities. Learn how she got it.

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Stationed Abroad with their Family, Amelia and Evelyn Discover Mathematics Success with Elephant Learning

Finding resources for homeschooled children is a challenge for many families. For military families living overseas, however, it can be insurmountable. Four-year-old Amelia and two-year-old Evelyn’s mom joined a small homeschool group on the base. However, most of the children were older, so the shared resources the group offered were not age-appropriate. Their mom also tried to locate local and online resources but found very few were available in English. The girls’ close relationship also posed a bit of a problem when it came to homeschooling. “Amelia has trouble focusing for more than a few minutes at a time,” says mom, “and Evelyn only shows interest when Amelia is doing work with her.”

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Short Term Memory Loss Couldn’t Stop Christina From Learning Math With Elephant Learning

Christina’s tears at math time fueled her mom to find anything that would help. She realized her daughter wanted to excel past the frustration and anxiety and finally learn mathematics. After reading reviews and case studies about the success that other students with learning disabilities had on Elephant Learning, Christina’s mom decided to sign her up.

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Senna And Talaia Are Two Unique Learners Who Found The Right Teacher In Elephant Learning

Elephant Learning helped Senna and Talaia understand mathematical concepts and begin to learn and excel in a way that neither Tani nor their teachers had been able to. Suddenly they were finding success with mathematics, an achievement that could eventually lead to confidence in all aspects of their academics and life.Within just six months of starting the program, Senna had gained 1.2 years of math, while Talaia had gained 1.4 years. Both girls were now almost on par with their peers in their understanding of mathematics.

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Playing Math Games Relieved Hailee’s Anxiety

Playing three days a week for a few weeks boosted Hailee’s mathematics understanding. She is happily closing the mathematics gap — without the anger or anxiety. Her mom adds, “She no longer hates math. When I ask her to get her math finished, she says OK!”

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